May 4, 2019 was a proud and historic day for Los Angeles. A 3.5-mile stretch of road running through a predominantly African-American residential area (and past Rancho Cienga Park, where Obama held a campaign rally in his historic campaign to the White House) was renamed President Barack Obama Boulevard to honor the legacy of America’s first Black president.

Dr. Nadine Burke Harris was named California’s first-ever Surgeon General on February 11, 2019. As a pediatrician, entrepreneur and nonprofit CEO, Harris has dedicated her professional career to understanding the link between adverse childhood experiences and toxic stress in children, and the effect both have on future health outcomes.

L.A. County Library director, Skye Patrick, was named 2019 Librarian of the Year by the Library Journal. Since joining L.A. County Library, one of the largest library systems in the U.S., Patrick has focused on breaking down barriers and increasing access for all customers. Her goal is to make the library a center of learning accessible to all residents of Los Angeles County.
Last, but certainly not least, in 2019 KTYM Media launched itself into the social media scene and rolled out a new, easier to navigate website design in our ongoing effort to spread the Gospel around the clock and around the world.
Thank you for your support this year! We're praying for a blessed and prosperous 2020 for all our family, friends, and loyal listeners. May you be a light in your communities. We look forward to featuring YOUR inspirational success stories in our wrap up next year!